Hydropower to Lower Fossil-Fuel Dependency

Sierra Leone has one of the lowest electricity access rates in the world at only 26%77 of the population. That means that six million Sierra Leoneans live with no access to power, the deepest form of energy poverty. Sierra Leoneans consume about 177 kWh per person per year. By contrast, the average Ghanian consumes twice as much electricity and yet Ghana is still considered very energy poor.78 Even with so little electricity use, Sierra Leone’s generation capacity can satisfy just a tenth of current demand.


Hydropower to Lower Fossil-Fuel Dependency

Sierra Leone has one of the lowest electricity access rates in the world at only 26%77 of the population. That means that six million Sierra Leoneans live with no access to power, the deepest form of energy poverty. Sierra Leoneans consume about 177 kWh per person per year. By contrast, the average Ghanian consumes twice as much electricity and yet Ghana is still considered very energy poor.78 Even with so little electricity use, Sierra Leone’s generation capacity can satisfy just a tenth of current demand.

Much of Sierra Leone’s limited generation capacity comes from hydropower, whose outputs can vary significantly based on seasonal rainfall and due to extended periods of drought. Most of its remaining supply comes from foreign-owned offshore power barges that are quick to shut down in the case of technical or financial troubles. These power barges, which produce as much as 60% of the country’s electricity during the dry season, burn heavy fuel oil or diesel. They’re expensive, polluting, and a continual drain on Sierra Leone’s precious foreign reserves.

With the support of Alliance partners such as the USTDA, Power Africa, African Development Bank, and others, Sierra Leone is taking action to address its electricity production deficit through a major new hydroelectric dam project in the north of Sierra Leone.

The 27 MW Betmai hydropower project is expected to produce 132 GWh of electricity every year, increasing the country’s power generation capacity by at least 10 percent and its renewable capacity by over 27 percent. The Betmai project is also expected to accelerate the development of the entire Sierra Leone power sector through its inclusion of government capacity-building and large investments in local electricity transmission and distribution systems. Improvements in power systems, regulatory capacity, and the financial stability of Sierra Leone’s power sector will create a foundation for further investment in the coming years.

Betmai will create a large, inexpensive, and reliable source of electricity for Sierra Leone’s under-powered economy, particularly the agricultural processing and mining industries. It is currently estimated that this additional power will help create or improve more than 300,000 jobs while providing new or improved electricity access to more than 175,000 residents.79 80 By displacing carbon-intensive energy from diesel generators, the Betmai project, after just five years of operation, is expected to have cut emissions by at least 675,000 tons of CO2e.81 82 This is comparable to taking over 146,000 US passenger vehicles off the road for a year.

With the support of Alliance partners such as the USTDA, Power Africa, African Development Bank, and others, Sierra Leone is taking action to address its electricity production deficit through a major new hydroelectric dam project in the north of Sierra Leone.

The 27 MW Betmai hydropower project is expected to produce 132 GWh of electricity every year, increasing the country’s power generation capacity by at least 10 percent and its renewable capacity by over 27 percent. The Betmai project is also expected to accelerate the development of the entire Sierra Leone power sector through its inclusion of government capacity-building and large investments in local electricity transmission and distribution systems. Improvements in power systems, regulatory capacity, and the financial stability of Sierra Leone’s power sector will create a foundation for further investment in the coming years.

Betmai will create a large, inexpensive, and reliable source of electricity for Sierra Leone’s under-powered economy, particularly the agricultural processing and mining industries. It is currently estimated that this additional power will help create or improve more than 300,000 jobs while providing new or improved electricity access to more than 175,000 residents.79 80 By displacing carbon-intensive energy from diesel generators, the Betmai project, after just five years of operation, is expected to have cut emissions by at least 675,000 tons of CO2e.81 82 This is comparable to taking over 146,000 US passenger vehicles off the road for a year.

Local residents and industry will gain access to cleaner, more reliable, more affordable electricity.

175K +
with new or improved access
300K +
new and improved jobs
675k +
End of life: 3.5 Million tCO2e


  1. Source: IEA, “Global energy crisis shows urgency of accelerating investment in cheaper and cleaner energy in Africa”; available at: https://w/
  2. Source: Tracking SDG7 – SDG 7.1.1 Electrification Dataset; available at:
  3. Source: Tracking SDG7 – SDG 7.1.1 Electrification Dataset; available at:
  4. Source: IEA, SDG7: Data and Projections; available at:
  5. Source: Tracking SDG7 – SDG 7.1.1 Electrification Dataset; available at:
  6. Source: SEforAll “Lasting Impact: Sustainable Off-Grid Solar Delivery Models to Power Health and Education” (2019), available at:
  7. Source: 60_decibels: Uses and Impacts of Solar Water Pumps; available at:
  8. Source: Authors’ calculations assuming average-sized smartphone battery (4,000 mAh, 3.8V; 15 Wh) and average electricity rates in the US and Europe ($0.15- $0.30 per kWh) vs. typical charging service cost in developing contexts.
  9. Source: IFC, The Dirty Footprint of the Broken Grid, 2019; Available at:
  10. Source: IFC, The Dirty Footprint of the Broken Grid, 2019; Available at:
  11. Source: World Bank, Underutilized Potential: The Business Costs of Unreliable Infrastructure in Developing Countries, 2019; Available at:
  12. Source: World Bank Enterprise Surveys; available at:
  13. Source: Authors’ calculations, leveraging Tracking SDG7 – SDG 7.1.1 Electrification Dataset, IEA per capita electricity consumption data
  14. Source: Energy for Growth Hub, The Modern Energy Minimum; Available at:
  15. Source: Authors’ calculations, leveraging US EIA data for US historicals, IEA per capita electricity consumption data, and World Bank country designations.
  16. Source: IEA Data Browser, Available at:
  17. Source: Authors’ calculations based on regression analysis of per capita GDP and electricity consumption data vs. HDI score
  18. Source: Authors’ calculations, leveraging IEA per capita electricity consumption data, IEA residential share of electricity consumption data, and UN DESA World Population Prospects 2022 medium variant projections (all publicly available).
  19. Source: IEA Data Browser, Available at:
  20. Authors’ calculations based on IEA, Tracking Transport 2021, available at:
  21. Solar PV indirect emissions occur during the manufacturing, distribution, installation, and disposal of systems component
  22. Source: IRENA, Power Generation Costs, 2021; Available at:
  23. Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, “Battery Pack Prices Fall to an Average of $132/kWh, But Rising Commodity Prices Start to Bite”, available at:
  24. Source: IEA, Annual energy storage additions by country, 2015-2020; available at:
  25. Source: Author’s calculations leveraging NREL’s U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System and Energy Storage Cost Benchmarks: Q1 2021
  26. Source: Rockefeller Foundation, Electrifying Economies; Available at:
  27. Source: SEIA, “Solar Industry Research Data”; available at:
  28. Source: Ember Data Explorer; available at:
  29. Source: Author modeling leveraging data from CAIT and assuming that OECD countries reach net zero by 2050, emerging economies by 2060, and energy-poor countries by 2070, with emissions growth reversed in the latter by 2040
  30. Source: Author modeling leveraging data from CAIT and assuming that emissions grow at a CAGR of 2.8 percent per year through 2050 and 1.4 percent in the following decade, only beginning to decrease starting in 2060.
  31. Source: Author’s calculations based on OPEC crude oil reserves of 267 billion barrels and and 0.3714 tCO2/barrel from ‘Carbon Majors: Accounting for Carbon and Methane Emissions 1854-2010 – Methods & Results Report’


GEAPP Program and Partner Project Highlights

  1. Source: Benchmarking Distribution Utilities in India, October 2020, SPI & Niti Aayog; Available at:
  2. Source: Rooftop Solar final render; Available at:
  3. Source: Rooftop Solar final render; Available at:
  4. Source: SPI Customer Report; Available at:
  5. Source: Health Effects of Diesel Exhaust; Available at: ; ;
  6. Source: SPI Deployment estimates
  7. Source: ESMAP, Nigeria Tracking SDG 7, available at:
  8. Authors’ calculation based on IEA 2019 data
  9. Source: FAO,  Nigeria at a Glance, available at:
  10. Source: National Bureau of Statistics, available at:
  11. Source: IFC, The Dirty Footprint of the Broken Grid, 2019; Available at:
  12. Source: IFC, The Dirty Footprint of the Broken Grid, 2019; Available at:
  13. Source: Nigeria Energy Transition Plan, available at:
  14. Source: International Energy Agency Energy Statistics Data Browser; Available at:
  15. Source: International Energy Agency – South Africa; Available at:
  16. Source: South Africa Department of Energy Energy Balances 2018 (pg. 14); Available at:
  17. Source: GDP by Country; Available at:
  18. Source: UNDP Climate Promise – South Africa; Available at:
  19. Source: World Bank data; available at: However, SPM estimates this number to be closer to 55%.
  20. Source:
  21. Source: SPM: Energising Agriculture in Myanmar; available at:
  22. Source: Fulcrum, “Myanmar’s Post-coup Electricity Woes: Stalled Power Plans, Shattered Public Trust”; available at:
  23. [1]Source: World Bank, Myanmar Rice and Pulses: Farm Production Economics and Value Chain Dynamics (2019); available at:
  24. Source: Myint, T and Myo Thu, K – National Export Strategy (2019) Rubber Sector Strategy, 2015-2019; retrieved from
  25. Source: Myint, T and Myo Thu, K – National Export Strategy (2019) Rubber Sector Strategy, 2015-2019; retrieved from
  26. Source: Myint, T and Myo Thu, K – National Export Strategy (2019) Rubber Sector Strategy, 2015-2019; retrieved from
  27. Source: USAID: Rapid Market Assessment of Aquaculture Sector in Myanmar (2021); available from:
  28. Source: World Data Population Comparison; Available at:
  29. Source: GEAPP DREAM Initiative; Available at:
  30. Source: FAO Smallholder Farmer Data Portrait; Available at:
  31. Source: GIZ Solar Irrigation Market Analysis in Ethiopia, IWMI/FAO Suitability Framework for Solar Irrigation ; Available at:
  32. Source: Catalyst calculations leveraging information from the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency Minigrid Viability Report.
  33. Source: Catalyst estimations leveraging World Bank Multi-tier Framework
  34. Source: Catalyst estimations leveraging GEAPP “Transforming a Billion Lives” Report; Available at:
  35. Source: Catalyst estimations leveraging: CDM AMS-I.L. Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy — Version 3.0; Available at:, CDM AMS-I.F.Renewable electricity generation for captive use and mini-grid — Version 4.0; Available at:, CDM AMS-I.B. Mechanical energy for the user with or without electrical energy — Version 12.0; Available at: and SE4ALL Emissions Tool; Available at:
  36. Source: NREL Island Energy Snapshot; Available at:
  37. Source: Energy Information Administration – Hawaii; Available at:
  38. [1]Source:Energy Information Administration – Electric Power Monthly; Available at:
  39. Source: The Socio-Economic Impacts of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) Restructuring Support Agreement (RSA) on the Population of Puerto Rico; Available at:
  40. Source: The Socio-Economic Impacts of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) Restructuring Support Agreement (RSA) on the Population of Puerto Rico; Available at:
  41. Source: Tracking SDG7 – SDG 7.1.1 Electrification Dataset; available at:
  42. Source: The World Bank, “Nigeria – Food SmartCountry Diagnostic,” 2020.; Available at:
  43. Source: PWC. Boosting rice production through increased mechanisation, (2018); available from:
  44. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Food and Agriculture – Statistical Yearbook 2020. Rome, 2020. doi: 10.4060/cb1329en. ; Available at:
  45. Source: Boosting rice production through increased mechanisation, (2018); available from:
  46. Source: Tracking SDG7 – SDG 7.1.1 Electrification Dataset; available at:
  47. Source: Prospects for Energy Efficiency in Sierra Leone’s Power Sector; Available at:
  48. Source: Estimations based on GEAPP Jobs report multipliers and International Labour Organization Hydropower Jobs ; Available at:—ed_emp/documents/publication/wcms_562269.pdf
  49. Source: Catalyst calculations based on World Bank Multi-tier Framework
  50. Source: CDM AMS-I.L. Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy — Version 3.0; Available at:
  51. Source: CDM AMS-I.D. Grid connected renewable electricity generation — Version 18.0; Available at:
  52. Source: Catalyst calculations based on Tracking SDG 7.
  53. Source: IADB Energia Hub; Available at:
  54. Source: IADB Energia Hub; Available at:
  55. Source: Tracking SDG 7 Report; Available at:
  56. Source: IRENA Statistical Profiles – Malawi; Available at:
  57. Source: Catalyst modeling based on expected improvements to power supply reliability for grid-tied customers served by the new BESS and VRE systems.
  58. Source: Catalyst modeling based on storage industry multipliers for direct BESS construction and general economy sector splits for Malawi applied to estimated employment multipliers from GEAPP’s 2021 Jobs Report.
  59. Source: Catalyst modeling based on displacement of stop-gap and backup power sources for households and businesses
  60. IEA Energy Statistics – Indonesia; Available at: