
Supporting to increase electricity access and improve energy security and reliability

Let's change energy in Malawi

Supporting the Government of Malawi’s commitment to increase energy access and drive agro-industrialization and job creation

Malawi’s population of 20 million is served by a ~540 MW grid, with a vulnerable power system and electricity access rates of ~20%; 45% in cities and 5% in rural areas, hindering economic development. Climate change is further impacting Malawi’s hydro- dominated generation mix, with declining river flows, cyclones, and flash floods posing risks to the major hydropower stations.

By 2030, Malawi aims to increase electricity access from the current 20% to 100%, with more than 50% connected to the grid.

2030 Targets

3 million

People with improved access


Jobs and livelihoods improved


tCO2 of carbon emission averted

Solutions for Malawi

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

Deploying Battery Energy Storage Systems to strengthen grids and enable them to rapidly adopt high levels of least-cost, variable renewable energy

Pilot Programmes

Design, test and later scale, transformative approaches including utility scale renewables, fossil fuel decommissioning, transmission and distribution, productive use of energy, green industrialization, and e-mobility

Alliancing in Action

Supporting 1.7 MW solar power to irrigate sugarcane, connect households (1.1 MW), power milk tanks (0.2 MW), and rice irrigation/milling (0.3 MW). Benefits: increased income for 6,000 farmers and 1,500 seasonal jobs annually.
GEAPP granted ESCOM funds for the design, procurement, installation, and commissioning of a 20 MW BESS at Kanengo Substation, Lilongwe. Set for the second half of 2024, this project will improve electricity access for 3M people and industries, boosting Malawi's use of low-cost solar energy.
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The Presidential Delivery Unit, established by the State President, accelerates government priorities like jobs, wealth, and food security. With GEAPP's support, PDU facilitates problem-solving meetings to expedite energy and ag-energy projects, boosting electricity access, generation, and agro-industrialization.
Presidential Delivery Unit
Since 2022, GEAPP has supported Malawi in developing an Integrated Energy Planning tool, a 20-year electricity demand forecast, and master plans for generation, transmission, and distribution. This aids universal electricity access, industrialization, and capacity building, paving the way for least-cost renewable energy and outlining funding needs.
SEforALL, Government of Malawi
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Supporting 1.7 MW solar power to irrigate sugarcane, connect households (1.1 MW), power milk tanks (0.2 MW), and rice irrigation/milling (0.3 MW). Benefits: increased income for 6,000 farmers and 1,500 seasonal jobs annually.
GEAPP granted ESCOM funds for the design, procurement, installation, and commissioning of a 20 MW BESS at Kanengo Substation, Lilongwe. Set for the second half of 2024, this project will improve electricity access for 3M people and industries, boosting Malawi's use of low-cost solar energy.
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The Presidential Delivery Unit, established by the State President, accelerates government priorities like jobs, wealth, and food security. With GEAPP's support, PDU facilitates problem-solving meetings to expedite energy and ag-energy projects, boosting electricity access, generation, and agro-industrialization.
Presidential Delivery Unit
Since 2022, GEAPP has supported Malawi in developing an Integrated Energy Planning tool, a 20-year electricity demand forecast, and master plans for generation, transmission, and distribution. This aids universal electricity access, industrialization, and capacity building, paving the way for least-cost renewable energy and outlining funding needs.
SEforALL, Government of Malawi
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“Malawi is proud to join GEAPP and reaffirm our commitment to ensuing everyone, everywhere has equitable access to reliable, affordable energy. Together our work across the clean energy ecosystem: supporting utility-scale clean energy storage, building decentralized renewable energy to increase agricultural productivity, and developing integrated energy planning, will help transform our country’s economic development.”
—H.E. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera,
President, Malawi

Prebid site meeting for the Malawi BESS project. The photo above shows site meeting participants and potential bidders visiting the BESS site.


The vision for GEAPP’s program in Malawi is to accelerate the deployment of the 1,000 MW of renewables by 2030. This includes 300 distributed systems (mini grids to power productive use) by 2026 to expand electricity access, improve jobs and livelihoods, cut the cost of power for institutions, agriculture hubs, businesses, and households while averting carbon emissions.

Championing Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) are key strategies to accelerating renewables uptake by the grid.

Read more about BESS

Meet Our Experts

  • Collen Zalengera
    Country Delivery Lead
  • Felix Khembo
    Utility Expert