Democratic Republic of the Congo

Accelerating deployment of private-sector-led urban and peri-urban solar metro grids to help realize the country’s renewable energy potential

Shining a light on opportunity

How GEAPP’s model of collaboration can break down silos and shift perception in a tough environment where more than 80% of the population live without electricity

DRC, with the world’s second-largest unelectrified population poses unique challenges due to its vast expanse and limited infrastructure. GEAPP, in collaboration with Alliance partners plans to electrify 100 urban areas via 100 mini grids by 2040 and provide an investment roadmap to harness the country’s vast solar and hydro potential in service of more than 74 million Congolese people currently living without electricity access.

DRC’s clean energy opportunity

Solutions for DRC

Just Energy Transition

Ensuring the energy transition is just, equitable and inclusive by focusing positive impacts on women, youth and marginalised communities

Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE)

Accelerating the uptake of distributed renewable energy, to provide fast, clean, cheap power where it is needed most

2030 Targets


New jobs

$1.1 billion

Finance to be unlocked with GEAPP’s catalytic funding

1.4 million

New connections

DRC has the second largest unelectrified population in the world.

This huge country spanning 2.35 million square kilometres has a population of over 100 million people.

GEAPP’s breakthrough strategy in the DRC is its ability to play to the strengths of its Alliance partners, supercharging the private sector development of micro grids.


Download the Breakthrough Story

GEAPP and its Alliance partners formed a joint effort to work towards the electrification of 100 urban and suburban areas via 100 new mini grids by 2040, providing energy access for over 20 million people and increasing the country’s access rate by 10%.

GEAPP, working with the DRC government, began trying to identify developers to build these mini grids. But found that progress was slow with previous initiatives stalled and money stuck.

So, in late-2022 we stepped back and asked our key partners: How do we all reboot our efforts knowing we need to find a new way of coordinating and accelerating? The answer touches on the heart of GEAPP’s founding ethos – collaboration, urgency and the collective pooling of efforts.

Let’s change energy

in Goma, DRC

Nuru, based in Goma, DRC, is one of Africa’s pioneering renewable energy-powered metrogrid companies. By delivering world-class renewable energy and connectivity services, Nuru aims to empower 5 million Congolese people, one connection at a time.

Moving ahead, it will be important to strengthen the public sector and the government’s capacity for cross-unit delivery in order to effectively finance renewable energy mini and metro-grids. In coming together with like minded partners in the private sector who share the same vision, we can make a dramatic difference to the lives of the people in the DRC, while also tackling ongoing climate challenges and creating economic growth at the same time. I’m very excited to see what the future brings.

—Idesbald Chinamula,
Director General, National Agency for Rural Electrification in the DRC (ANSER)

Meet Our Experts

  • Lyza Shodu
    Country Delivery Lead
    Democratic Republic of the Congo