Our Solutions

We act at the tip of the arrow—deploying our agile capital to test ideas and bring them to scale

A green energy tipping point that powers progress for people and planet.

The climate crisis is not impending, it is here right now for all of us and business as usual is failing to address it. Change is needed, and fast. Change, which is sustainable and robust, remaking the status quo, primed to work rapidly. GEAPP was set up to end energy poverty and address the climate crisis by promoting an equitable transition to clean energy.

Together our Alliance works to transform energy systems, with the knowledge that the urgency of the climate crisis requires infrastructure overhaul, and a new mindset focused on practical solutions, projects and investments that can be replicated and scaled to expand access to affordable, reliable clean energy for the benefit of vulnerable populations and make a lasting difference on the ground.

At the very heart of GEAPP’s work is the need to nurture green economies, ensuring that green energy results in new and improved jobs and significant livelihood improvements for the poor and underserved communities most at risk from climate change.

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Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

Deploying Battery Energy Storage Systems to strengthen grids and enable them to rapidly adopt high levels of least-cost, variable renewable energy

Just Energy Transition

Ensuring the energy transition is just, equitable and inclusive by focusing positive impacts on women, youth and marginalised communities

Productive Use of Energy

Working with energy solutions that maximize efficiency and effectiveness, empowering businesses to thrive while contributing to sustainable development goals

Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE)

Accelerating the uptake of distributed renewable energy, to provide fast, clean, cheap power where it is needed most

Pilot Programmes

Design, test and later scale, transformative approaches including utility scale renewables, fossil fuel decommissioning, transmission and distribution, productive use of energy, green industrialization, and e-mobility