Who We Are

Our work is delivered through our powerful 50+ Alliance partners bringing complementary sources of capital, delivery capacity, deep expertise, and global reach

GEAPP works to tackle energy poverty and the climate crisis by developing and scaling innovative green energy solutions in developing and emerging economies.

The existential threat of a change in climate of 2-3° will have a disproportionate impact on the world’s emerging and developing economies, undermining health prospects, education, employment opportunities and gender equality, particularly among the vulnerable.

If developed economies achieve their net zero commitments but developing and emerging economies use fossil fuels to rise out of energy poverty, 75% of all emissions could derive from today’s energy poor countries by 2050 with a projected global temperature increase of ~2.5°.

In high-income countries renewables are now producing the cheapest energy in history. But today, far too little investment is going to the energy poor countries, and the costs to deploy renewable energy are much higher. Developing economies receive just 13% of green energy financing and only 6% of all solar and wind deployed globally went to the world’s energy poor countries in recent years.

The Challenge

At scale, clean energy deployment has the potential to benefit the 675 million people currently lacking any access to energy and the over 2 billion people who lack access that is reliable and affordable due to high-costs of electricity, power outages and disruptions, all of which impairs economic growth, health, education, and livelihoods, hindering development for the communities most in need.

A wide range of organizations have been trying to tackle energy poverty for years. But fragmented approaches, deep systemic barriers and short-term political expediency mean there’s been a failure to move the dial.

Transitioning economies from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a more recent, but increasingly urgent reality. Around the world governments are grappling with this challenge, but unequal access to the tools required to effect change risks exacerbating energy inequality even further.


The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) was created to address the defining challenge of our time — the transition to renewable energy.

It was born of a recognition that the current pace of change is too slow to meet the net zero ambitions set under the Paris Agreement, and too uneven to meet the urgent development needs of emerging economies.

Set up by the IKEA Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation and the Bezos Earth Fund, we have since been joined by global institutions and dozens of partners, all sharing a common belief: that green energy access in the world’s emerging markets is fundamental to tackle the climate crisis and end inequality.

Global electrification progress

Our Solutions

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

Deploying Battery Energy Storage Systems to strengthen grids and enable them to rapidly adopt high levels of least-cost, variable renewable energy

Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE)

Accelerating the uptake of distributed renewable energy, to provide fast, clean, cheap power where it is needed most

Just Energy Transition

Ensuring the energy transition is just, equitable and inclusive by focusing positive impacts on women, youth and marginalised communities

Pilot Programmes

Design, test and later scale, transformative approaches including utility scale renewables, fossil fuel decommissioning, transmission and distribution, productive use of energy, green industrialization, and e-mobility

GEAPP takes a fresh approach to



We collaborate with country governments and communities, bringing together technology, policy and regulation, development finance, and private sector partners to drive transformational action and achieve our ambitious goals.

Our Partners

Learn more about GEAPP

We are a collective movement working to unlock green energy access in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean to secure an inclusive and resilient future for all.

Meet Our Experts

Our Team

Reflects an intentional blend of backgrounds and skills in GEAPP’s focus markets

Our Board

We are governed by a focused, independent board

GEAPP Leadership Council

Our work is amplified by the advocacy efforts of the GEAPP Leadership Council (GLC)