Just for now

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The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) is a collective movement for change, working to unlock renewable energy access in emerging economies.

Clean energy is development; without it, every other form of progress is impacted. Today, half the world’s population – 3.6 billion people – live in energy poverty.

Formed on a spirit of radical collaboration, GEAPP brings together philanthropy, including our founder partners the IKEA Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation and the Bezos Earth Fund, governments, development partners, and the private sector. Together we seek to tackle the twin challenge of energy access and a just transition, unlocking a new era of inclusive green economic growth while enabling the global community to meet critical climate goals within the next decade.

Our mission is to accelerate a renewable energy tipping point that powers progress for people and planet.

  • Gigatons of future carbon emissions reduced


  • Billion people with clean energy access


  • Million new jobs and sustainable livelihoods



  • GEAPP GLC Powers Ahead to Accelerate Affordable Clean Energy for All

    The Global Leadership Council (GLC) of the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) convened on the sidelines of UNGA 78 to review progress against its two signature initiatives: first, to mobilize 5 GW of accelerated commitments to Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS); and second, to enable large-scale aggregation in the distributed renewable energy (DRE) sector, with the near-term target of securing a $500 million pooled procurement order by end 2024.

  • GIZ and GEAPP Forge a Transformative Partnership to Drive Sustainable Energy Transition and Development

    The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH have embarked on a strategic collaboration to amplify their shared commitment to foster sustainable development through clean energy solutions. Today, GEAPP CEO Simon Harford and GIZ Board Member Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), solidifying their dedication to jointly pursue initiatives that catalyze the global energy transition and support equitable green economic growth.

The future is closer than you think

A future powered by renewable energy isn’t something that is distant, but is already underway, being led by emerging economies across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Today, it's a vibrant reality that's transforming the way we power our planet.

What We Do

  • What We Do

    We’re working with countries around the world to accelerate an equitable energy transition for people and planet.

  • Who We Are

    GEAPP brings together a diverse range of expertise and experience around a shared mission.