Felix Khembo
Utility Expert, Malawi
Felix is an energy economist and a programme evaluator with over 10 years experience in the energy sector following the various roles and responsibilities he has had whilst working for 1) RMI as an Energy Sector Investment Specialist, 2) Electricity Generation Company Limited of Malawi as a Senior Economist, 3) Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi as an Economist, 4) a number of electricity market players as a Consultant, and 5) World Energy Council (WEC) as a Future Energy Leader.
His experience in the energy sector has centered around developing project concept notes and business plans, economic and financial appraisal of power projects, developing strategic plans, drafting and negotiating power purchase agreements, developing and auditing financial models for both grid and off-grid projects, demand forecasting, research, monitoring and evaluating projects, conducting trainings and drafting country commentaries e.g. WEC energy trilemma index and energy issues monitor.
As a monitoring and evaluation practitioner, Felix has developed M&E frameworks for various development projects and also carried out a number of socioeconomic surveys and programme evaluations.
Felix holds an MPhil in Programme Evaluation from the University of Cape Town in South Africa, a Bachelor’s degree in Social Science from University of Malawi, and a Diploma in Accounting.