Michelle Hammer

Managing Director, Partnerships for Scalable Solutions

Michelle is a Managing Director at GEAPP, designing and driving relevant cross-sector partnerships and networks to incubate and scale energy solutions from across the Alliance. She brings 12 years of experience creating and operationalizing high impact cross-sector initiatives to address global challenges in clean energy, economic & workforce development, public health, transit/mobility, water/sanitation, and tech – with an emphasis on deploying affordable, novel solutions relevant for the needs of vulnerable communities.

Previously, Michelle led COVID-19 response efforts at The Rockefeller Foundation, mobilizing networks of governors, mayors, the White House, and CEOs, to facilitate bulk purchases of tests, champion and execute national strategy to reopen schools, and design/scale last-mile testing program for high-risk families. Before that, Michelle led engagements focused on strategy and public-private partnerships with a focus on global development at Monitor Deloitte.

Michelle has an MBA from Darden School of Business at University of Virginia and BS in Science, Tech, & International Affairs from Georgetown University.